
Android studio tutorial download pdf
Android studio tutorial download pdf

android studio tutorial download pdf

An Example Firebase Upstream Cloud Messaging Client App.A Firebase Cloud Messaging Upstream XMPP App Server.Managing Firebase Messaging Device Groups from an Android App.Managing Firebase Cloud Messaging Device Groups with Node.js.Sending Firebase Cloud Messages from a Node.js Server.A Firebase Realtime Database List Data Tutorial.A Basic Firebase Realtime Database Tutorial.Working with Firebase Realtime Database Lists.Reading Firebase Realtime Database Data.Writing Firebase Realtime Database Data.Linking and Unlinking Firebase Authentication Providers.

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Anonymous Authentication using the Firebase SDK.Phone Number Authentication using the Firebase SDK.Twitter Log In Authentication using the Firebase SDK.Facebook Authentication using the Firebase SDK.Google Authentication using the Firebase SDK.Handling Firebase Authentication Errors and Failures.Managing User Accounts using the Firebase SDK.Email/Password Authentication using the Firebase SDK.Phone Number Sign-in Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth.Twitter Sign-In Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth.Facebook Login Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth.Google Sign-In Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth.Testing and Customizing FirebaseUI Auth Authentication.Email/Password Authentication using FirebaseUI Auth.Topics included: Getting Started with Firebase With 55 in-depth chapters, over 470 pages and 23 example app projects (including the source code), Firebase Essentials – Android Edition provides everything you need to successfully integrate Firebase cloud features into your Android apps.

Android studio tutorial download pdf